To facilitate and service all those who want to buy from our store, offers you the following payment methods:

Charge your credit card (VISA, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express, Diners via Alpha Bank e-Commerce). has taken all necessary steps to secure your transactions with your credit card.
Cash on delivery (in cash, and only for destinations within Greece) at the time you receive your products.
Bank account deposit. If you choose this form of payment, please deposit the total amount within two days and then send us the deposit receipt at [email protected]. Please state your name and ordering code as a reason for the deposit.
Also at you are given the option to choose whether your payment will be made with a retail receipt or an invoice.

An invoice is issued to companies and freelancers by filling out the following information in their order: Company name, VAT registration number, Tax Code and profession (for freelancers).

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