Warlock Tiles: Dungeon Dressings

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Key Features:

Barrel Includes Swappable Contents (liquid and solid lid options)
Extraordinary Definition
Expansive Variety of Items to Add to Your Scenes
Fantastic Value
FLGS Release (No KickStarter)
Works with Existing WizKids Products
This Set Includes:*

4x - Chairs
2x - Round Tables
3x - Crates
1x - Bed
1x - Throne
2x - Treasure Chests
1x - Boulder
2x - Stools
1x - Cheval de Frise
2x - Benches
1x - Pile of Rubble
1x - Kegs
1x - Treasure Pile
1x - Generic Statue
1x - Altar
4x - Barrels
1x - Long Table
2x - Pit Traps
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